Kagera Cooperative Union (1990) Limited

KCU Investments

Our Investments

KCU Investments

KCU (1990) L td has invested in various areas like:

Shares at Various Companies

KCU (1990) L td Owns Shares at TANICA PLC, BUKOP PLC, CRDB BANK PLC, Mbinga, Mbozi, KCBL Bank, etc.


KCU (1990) L td Owns Hotels in Bukoba (Bukoba Coop Hotel and Lake Hotel)

Processing Factory

KCU (1990) L td Owns 100% BUKOP PLC Processing Factory

Coffee Bar

We tell the story from the origin of the bean to its final destination, in your cup

Conference Center (KCC)

KCU (1990) L td Owns the Conference Hall called KCU Conference Center (KCC) that is located at Rumuli Plot near BMC

Land & Buildings

KCU (1990) L td Owns Land and Buildings in Bukoba, Missenyi and Muleba Districts.

Lists of KCU Investments

KCU Ltd Real Estates

KCU (1990) Ltd invested in Real Estates in Various Districts of Kagera region as listed below: 

Bukoba MC

Bukoba DC

Muleba DC

Missenyi DC

Do You Need Rubusta Coffee?

We are available for your next shipment. Please connect with us!