Kagera Cooperative Union (1990) Limited

What We Do!


What We Do!

KCU is committed to working with as many as possible formers local as well as international, to see to it that income of its farmers from coffee rise to even higher levels.

Coffee Market

Linking Farmers to the Coffee Market

Quality Coffee

Assist Farmers to Produce Quality Coffee

Export Promotion

Export Promotion of Organic Products

Increase Sales

focused on increased sales and higher returnfor the farmer

What We Do!

Kagera Cooperative Union (1990) Ltd

KCU is committed to working with as many as possible formers local as well as international, to see to it that income of its farmers from coffee rise to even higher levels. Voluntary association of 141 Primary Cooperative societies representing over 70,500 small farmers of the mainly Robusta Coffee grown in Kagera region. Kagera Cooperative Union (1990) Ltd – (KCU) was established in early in early 1950 mainly to collect and market small producer coffee in Kagera region, North West of Tanzania.

It has been involved in the promotion of Tanzania Coffee abroad, always focused on increased sales and higher remuneration for the farmer. Through active involvement with and direct selling into the Fair Trade Market, KCU was able to pay its farmers up to 100% more than generated through the commercial price.

As an organization of small coffee producers, KCU has managed to link farmers to the coffee market, through Fair Trade, farmer are paid higher prices for their coffee compared to the producer who do not work with Fair Trade, KCU has served as a firm base for small producers working with the Fair Trade movement.


The Mission and Vision of KCU (1990) Ltd is to improve the well-being of farmers, by assisting them to produce high quality products that continue to capture the satisfaction of customers hence fetching premium returns.


The export coffee from Usambara Cooperative Union, which happens to be registered with FLO Certification. KCU owns an export Certificate from FLO for small producer organizations that cannot export themselves.

Robusta, the first coffee introduced in Tanzania was brought to the Bukoba district of Kagera by homecoming warlords from the Congo and Gabon, early in the 17th century. It continued to be used as a traditional item for ritual performance, stimulant and a vital source of strength for many years later, until when it was commercialized in the beginning of the 20th century.

Kagera Robusta and natural Arabica coffees grown there, account for 25% of some 800,0000 bags (50 kg each) of Tanzania’s annual coffee output. The remainder, 75% is the component of washed Arabica.


KCU is also involved with Export Promotion of Organic Products in Africa (EXPORA), whose objective is to promote innovative and environmentally sound farming techniques aimed at improving the well-being of the community.


The status of Tanzania Robusta and Arabica coffee has improved tremendously in the world market as quality and supply have come to be more reliable.

Do You Need Rubusta Coffee?

We are available for your next shipment. Please connect with us!